Original Release: 2007
Running Time: 122 minutes
Don't get me wrong here... there is a good amount of death. But, there's also a lot of movie time without death. They dedicate the time necessary to have a good story with great acting, but the body count suffers a bit because of that. If I were to give quarter-level ratings here Yuma would easily earn closer to two bucks than the one it is getting but I just can't get myself to round up and give them a full score.
Acting - $2
Bale and Crowe deliver as you would expect here and that is definitely worth high marks. The ace in the hole, however, is Ben Foster. Playing the second in command of Wade's gang - and therefore the one leading the rescue efforts - Foster pulls off the hardcore killer cowboy with a special psycho style that steals the movie.
Repeat Play - $1
I don't watch a lot of westerns (and I think this is one of only two that I own) because they are generally either way too campy or try to take themselves a too seriously even though they are hyper-Hollywooded ("Hollywoodized"?). Yuma is a pretty good cowboy flick though and one that I can watch multiple times whether I give it undivided attention or throw it in while ironing or taking a nap.
Shock Value - $1
There's a little bit of a somewhat unexpected bit at the end but I have to say that I sort of saw it coming. I won't say more so as not to ruin anything... so I guess that's that. Moving on...
Action and Ass-Kickery - $2
Much like the "Death" category above, there was a decent amount of action but not an abundance. I think there was enough action here though - if only for the heist and the final shootout - to earn a couple bucks. Maybe I am making up for the average rating up top, but what the hell... this is my freakin blog so I will do what I want when I want.
Not having seen the original, I can't really say how this remake compares in terms of story or all-around quality. But the second go for this film is definitely worth the watch in my eyes. Also, I just had a thought. Like I said before, I think I only own two "westerns" and they both have Russel Crowe as one of the main characters. Does that seem odd to anyone else? I think I might have to go buy Young Guns to put an end to this little statistic. While I'm doing that, feel free to leave a comment!
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