Original Release: 2008
Running Time: 153 minutes
I truly miss Heath Ledger. Forget "A Knights Tale", "10 Things I Hate About You" and "Brokeback Mountain"... this is the role he will forever be known for. There were a lot of skeptics when he was first announced for the role but he powned the pants off all doubters. His twisted interpretation of Batman's most infamous antagonist left comic fans and the general public alike with their jaws on the floor and a newfound fear for pencils. Dark Knight's addition of Ledger, Gyllenhaal and Eckhart to the already proven Bale, Caine, Freeman and Oldman proves to be an unstoppable acting force.
Effects & Animation - $1
This is the one thing that sort of bothered me just a little... some of the effects. I liked the Batpod and thought it made some sense as being part of the Tumbler technology, but the one scene where he kind of rides it up a wall to turn around just got to me. It looked stupid. I also wasn't a big fan of the "sonar" tech used, feeling it was a little too outlandish and too closely resembled some of the silly gadgets of the earlier Batman movies. The effects for the explosions and the makeup for Joker and Two Face were both great, but a couple snafu's is all it takes to lose full ratings.
Repeat Play - $2
Even clocking in at two and a half hours, Dark Knight leaves you wanting more. When I saw it in the theater I wanted to turn around and buy another ticket, and when I watched it on DVD I very nearly put it back in again 20 minutes later. I'm writing this the next day and as I see the case on the table in front of me, I am very strongly considering watching it right now. Friggin love this movie.
Nerd Factor - $2
Attention Hollywood... THIS is how you make a f*cking comic book movie. It's brutally realistic and not campy at all. This is the Joker that fan-boys have been wanting to see for years... psychotic, evil and as he says himself "an agent of chaos". We're also treated to the lengthy roller-coaster transition of Harvey Dent to the coin-flipping Two Face. Come on people... this is the ultimate Batman movie and nerds shall forever sing its praise.
Billicious - $2
The trailers for TDK had me drooling on my keyboard for months and I was still completely blown away when I saw the full film. I thought I knew what was coming but nothing could have prepared me for the level of awesome I was about to watch. It's dark and brutal and everything it should be. I friggin love it!
In lieu of writing a lengthy exit blurb, I am going to go watch the movie again. You should do the same!! The Christmas holiday is coming up, so be prepared for plenty of new reviews and additions to the collection... I think I'm getting some Best Buy (sponsorship opportunities are still available) gift cards that I'm sure will be entirely spent on DVD's. Sweet.
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